Home & Shop Companion #0003
Hello friends,
Again, it is our sincerest wish that you and yours are safe and well. Here, we are staying on the ranch. Lot’s of small construction projects and farming. Wild swings in temperature and moisture. We did not have a deep snow as we did two of the last three years. And our rainfall has been but a quarter of last year’s, so far. Daughter Scout has her older Toyota pickup in our shop, it needs to have the rear springs replaced. I am practicing deep, deep patience with rusted stuck anchor bolts. Hoping to get 7 acres wheat patch planted soon, and an acre of potatoes and onions (which will require an elk fence). Kristi has her hotbeds going with lettuce and herbs. The kitchen garden should go in these next two weeks. We are up against the Cascade mountains which means freezing night-time temperatures. Calving is moving along. Had one cow reject her calf, so there’s a bottle baby in the barn. Kristi’s 15 free range Peahens are starting to nest. Young hens are laying well. And our bees came through the winter in fantastic shape. This year we took no chances and blanketed hives. Also kept syrup in front of them. Two new colonies heading into second year in very strong shape. We’ve a long stretch of elk-stressed fence to repair before we can turnout our small herd on the little gov’t grazing we have. I blathered too long. Please stay safe. Lynn