Back Issue Vol: 28-1

Just for Kids 281 Winter 2004

Just for Kids – Winter 2004

from issue:

Emily’s Sunflower • The BE Puzzle • How to Make a Wooden Toy • Nosey

Reconstruction by Way of the Soil Part 4

Reconstruction by Way of the Soil Part 4

from issue:

The word primitive is defined by Annandale’s Concise Dictionary as ‘characterized by the simplicity of the old times.’ The lexicographer, with this definition, hits off with happy ease an exact description of the primitive peoples of this chapter and of the two that follow it. ‘The simplicity of old times’ just fits, for the lexicographer informs us under the word ‘simple’ that it derives ‘from a root meaning one or unity.’ We can now paraphrase our heading of Primitive Farmers, as Farmers characterized by unity. We must do this quickly before going on to read other definitions of ‘simple,’ for we shall find that one of them is ‘easily intelligible,’ and farmers characterized by unity are not a bit easily understood by modern peoples. It is because they have so rarely been understood that so many troubles have come to them from the moderns.