John Deere Side Delivery Rakes

John Deere Side Delivery Rakes

Directions for Set Up and Operation

Model Numbers: 553, 554, 554P, 563, 564, 573, 574, 574P, 583, 584, 593, 594, 594B, 594M, 594P and 594PM

Made by Dain Manufacturing Company

The John Deere Side Delivery Rake is set up as illustrated in the following pages. The darkened portions in the progressive illustrations show clearly the parts to be assembled and attached in proper order. Where the instructions or the connecting points are numbered follow closely the order in which they are numbered. Arrows are also used to point out important adjustments or parts that need special attention in setting up.

After unpacking and placing all parts where they will be most handy, follow all of the directions carefully.

Practically all the trouble with new machines is due to improper or careless setting up and lack of oil.

John Deere Side Delivery Rakes
John Deere Side Delivery Rakes
John Deere Side Delivery Rakes
John Deere Side Delivery Rakes
John Deere Side Delivery Rakes
Set tooth-adjusting lever in lowest notch and move one leg of reel head into horizontal position toward rear frame angle (Fig. 8). Put intermediate gear in place so that the arrows will point to the teeth marked with an arrow on center gear and gear on end of tooth pipe. Bolt intermediate gear to reel head with bolt and washers. Repeat the above operation with the other two intermediate gears. Use same procedure on 4-bar rakes.
John Deere Side Delivery Rakes
John Deere Side Delivery Rakes
John Deere Side Delivery Rakes
John Deere Side Delivery Rakes
John Deere Side Delivery Rakes


Attach long tongue on right-hand side when the tractor is going to be turned to the right and attach long tongue on left-hand side when tractor is going to be turned to the left.


Rake can be set to one side or the other of the hitch point by adjusting the tongue as shown, Fig. 19-A. Width of hitch points can be adjusted at “B” for rear angle, and at “C” for front angle, Fig. 17.


A. Oil all wearing parts regularly and keep bolts tight. See Fig. 20 for oil instructions for gear case.

B. Turn reel by hand to be sure it revolves freely and teeth do not strike strippers.

C. Throw rake in gear and turn reel by hand to see that axle and gears also revolve freely.

D. Tooth positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Fig. 8) are working positions obtained by setting the tooth adjusting lever in the 5 notches. Try it in the center notch first. The lever should be placed in notch No. 6 when traveling on the road. Teeth should always be set as high as possible and still pick up the hay. This leaves the windrow loose, permitting free circulation of air.

E. Adjust rear lifting lever so that rear end of reel is higher than front end of reel.

F. To turn windrow halfway over or upside down, rake should be driven alongside of windrow to be turned instead of straddling it.

G. Always drive in the same direction the mower has run if possible.


Mint and pea equipment can be furnished for all John Deere Side Delivery Rakes. It consists of additional strippers, placing a stripper between each rake tooth. This equipment is also of great assistance in raking all kinds of short hay.