Parlin & Orendorff Jewel Surface Cultivator
For surface cultivation the Gopher gangs have become quite popular, and in response to a general demand we have brought out the Jewel Surface Cultivator. The frame is of the same general construction as the regular Jewel with such changes as are necessary to attach the Gopher gangs, and in place of the pendulum movement, ratchet levers are used for raising the gangs. The foot-rests are adjustable, giving the operator an easy position and enabling him to do the most effective work.
The shifting lever on the right hand of axle is for balancing the frame for an operator of any weight, and for relieving neck draft on the team. This is a positive and instantaneous adjustment, and a great time-saver over the old style, where the change could be made only by adjusting bolts and nuts. When the proper depth has been secured by the use of the lever, the left side of axle is braced in proper position by an adjusting hook, making the frame perfectly rigid and preventing any strain on either the frame or axle.
Shovels are adjustable up and down, can be swiveled around, and the points raised or lowered. Each set of shovels is adjustable to and from the row. Adjustable shields are furnished, also levelers which may be adjusted so as to thoroughly level the ground. Seat is our well-known and deservedly popular hammock seat, and the operator is not only in a good position for handling the gangs perfectly, but also has an unobstructed view of the row for some distance ahead, owing to the fact that the tongue does not extend back to the axle but is attached to a cross brace some little distance from the axle. The seat is braced with a malleable bracket, and is held in place, preventing it from slipping back when the driver is working the gangs.