Rock Island Implements

Rock Island Implements

Rock Island Implements
Circa 1910
Rock Island Implements
Rock Island No. 8 Gang plow. Features: Heavy, one piece frame opening at the front right hand corner. Wheels are bigger all the way round, with a 36” land wheel and 24” furrow wheels. It has a long wheel base with a short hitch all of which steady the plow.
Rock Island Implements
Rock Island #35 Bonanza Disc Harrow with oscillating scrapers.
Rock Island Implements
Heider Model “D” 9-16 HP with Rock Island No. 9 Plow, features manifold which can handle kerosene or gasoline. Pulls two 14” bottoms.
Rock Island Implements
Rock Island No. 9 Tricycle Lister with excellent operator visibility.
Rock Island Implements
Rock Island No. 1 Corn and Bean Planter.
Rock Island Implements
Rock Island No. 160 Cylinder Side Delivery Rake.
Rock Island Implements
Rock Island No. 99 Cotton and Corn Planter.
Rock Island Implements
Rock Island No. 70 Perfection Cultivator, self-balancing and leverless. This implement is perfectly adapted to walking, when tired of walking you can ride.
Rock Island Implements
Rock Island No. 86 Seat Shift Cultivator.
Rock Island Implements
Rock Island No. 112 Two Row Cultivator featuring a pendant hitch to alleviate neck weight.
Rock Island Implements
Great Western Low Down Manure Spreader.
Rock Island Implements
Heider Model “C” 12-20 HP Tractor with seven speeds forward and seven reverse.
Rock Island Implements
Rock Island No. 150 Rake Bar Hay Loader.
Rock Island Implements
Great Western Cream Separator.