Small Farmer’s Journal Volume 28 Number 3
Making it better (editorial), Vinegar, Putting Loose Hay in the Barn, Storing Corn, Plant and Animal Breeding at Risk, Making Space, Monitoring Farm Progress, Waffling — Puddling, Gardening Diary, Household Hints, Grandma’s Ant Control, Family Farm Definition, Consumers Favor Family Farms, Wyoming Draft Horse Club, A Cup of Memories, Ox Teamster’s Challenge, A Farming School. Living in the History, Postcard from Norway, 2004 Fun Time Plow Match, Chickens Scratch Through Winter, Parts of the Rabbit, Culling Hens, Hock Problems in Horses, The Broodmare in Fall, Ask A Teamster with “Doc” Hammill, Training Pack Animals, West Nile Nightmare, The Cow That (Almost) Barked, Penny the Piglet, JEB in Belgian Horses, Gestation Charts, Animal Drawn Transportation, Disc Harrows, McCormick Deering Lime Spreader, Carriages in Color, Height of Shafts, Rabbit Hutch, Barn Plans, various poetry