
Aspinwall, Avery, Dunham & Western Equipment

Aspinwall, Avery, Dunham & Western Equipment

from issue:

Aspinwall Potato Machinery • Avery Motor Cultivators • Dunham Culti-Harrow • Western Sprocket Packer

Avery Manure Spreader

Avery Manure Spreader

from issue:

If draft animal power is your first choice, there are many models of excellent mid to small-sized, pull-type, two-wheeled, ground-drive manure spreaders that might be quite handy when used with a forecart. The Minneapolis Moline Avery is but one. Today there are Amish shops making spreaders new. And, across North America, it is still possible to find serviceable used spreaders at farm sales.

Avery Pulverizers

Avery Pulverizers

from issue:

Always keep bearings well lubricated and nuts on all bolts tight. • Wear on the oil-soaked wood bearings is at rear and top of bearing. Turn the wood bearings for wear adjustment. • Bearing boxes are reversible and can easily be turned upside down when worn. Timely replacement of wood bearings protects bearing boxes from excessive wear. • Keep notch axle washer adjusted to eliminate end play in bracket bearing. • In trailing the three section sprocket pulverizer through narrow gates, remove pins of trailer gangs where they are attached to extension angles. Connect trailer gang with trailer hitch to front gang and then attach the remaining gang to the trailer gang. • Width of cut may be varied by attaching trailer gangs at different holes on the extension. • Always keep hitch in horizontal position when in operation.