The Amish Community in Daviess County, Indiana – Book Review

The Amish Community in Daviess County, Indiana – Book Review
This is a wonderful 358 page book chock full of hundreds of sensitive and artistic photos of the life of a specific area of Amish farm families. Bill Whorrall’s text is a treasure of empathy and perceptivity. He is justifiably pleased to say that he had the permission of the community to take these pictures and share them with us. It is easy for me to see why they trusted him. LRM

“It is likely we English probably cannot understand the depth of bonds that are formed when children not only work side by side with their parents but live side by side after they grow up and get married. In addition it is routine to volunteer to work in other’s fields to share the heavy workload. Once when I was with a threshing crew, I followed the wagons to pick up the bundles of spelt… I couldn’t help but notice the boys who were working were having a wonderful time. They worked there all day and enjoyed the whole experience. Again, this is the root of the term “frolic” for work bees. The social fabric of the community is as strong as the work ethic fabric. These are really the two directional threads that hold the community together.”
We were only about two feet from a couple of Martin houses. In mid sentence I stopped to comment on the wonderful warbling and singing of a bird.
BW: I didn’t know they sounded that pretty.
AM: I wait every year to see when the scout shows up. I have their boxes cleaned out and ready. They get used to you. When I hear them every morning it makes my whole day.
BW: Yes, we are right next to them and they don’t care.
AM: (Smiling) They’re talking to you.
BW: I had a psychology professor at I.U. tell us that this singing is just about territory and food location and such. He said birds don’t sing because they’re happy. I should have asked him why it sounds pretty.
AM: That man is missing a lot.
- Bill Whorrall