The Appleton Husker and Shredder
The Appleton Husker and Shredder
No one will deny the advantage of long experience, especially in the building of large machinery. The Appleton Manufacturing Company was established in 1872 to make only such machines as could be safely guaranteed to excel in every feature of practical utility any other machines of like character and corresponding size operated under equal conditions.
The Appleton Husker and Shredder itself was one of the very first placed on the market and it has been a great success from the start, each succeeding season serving to emphasize its success and to increase its popularity. This unequaled success is due largely to the possession of certain exclusive features which have remained practically unchanged during all the years it has been on the market. Chief among these are our knife-roll husking device, our interchangeable cutting and shredding heads, our method of driving all working parts by a single heavy belt, our superior separating and cleaning device, and our swiveling ear corn carrier and convenient blower.
Despite the marked superiority of our husker and shredder, we have never relaxed in our efforts to improve, and changes have been made from time to time as its increased popularity widened our field of operation and observation and our experience suggested the strengthening of a part here, the simplification of a device there, and the addition of this and that feature, all with a view to greater strength and simplicity, efficiency of operation, etc.
F.B. Mumford, Dean of the Illinois College of Agriculture, has said that, “the amount of corn stover that is practically wasted in the stalk fields of the Middle West would successfully maintain in a satisfactory manner millions of cattle during the five months’ winter feeding period.”
This can all be saved by cutting the corn instead of husking it standing, and by using a machine husker which not only shreds or cuts the stalks and husks into finer fodder for feeding, but also elevates it into the silo or place of storage at practically no additional expense. This preserves every ounce of feed value the stover has and gives the stock roughage in its best form. The increased feed and manurial value of the stover is estimated at twenty-five per cent over the value when stock is turned into the field and stalks not eaten are plowed in, with small fertilizing value. The shredded or cut stover takes the place of hay largely through the winter and more hay can be sold. The husker does the husking quicker, cheaper and better than it is done by hand, and saves its cost in a short time.
The Appleton 2-Roll Husker and Shredder is used for small requirements where the power available is limited, but where one has sufficient power the 4-roll or 6-roll size will make a better return on the investment. The latter size is recommended as the greatest money maker on the market for large individual requirements or for clubs of farmers. The custom worker will find the 8-roll Appleton by all odds the most profitable size machine.
General Construction
All four sizes of the Appleton Husker and Shredder are built along the same general lines, differing largely in size of head, number of husking rolls and proportionate size of parts. The 2-roll and 4-roll machines are very similar, while the 6-roll and 8-roll are identical in design and construction. The latter, more generally used for custom work, are, of course, much more heavily built than the 2-roll and 4-roll, and it is to be especially noted that the Appleton 6-roll is a great deal heavier in every respect than the 4-roll. This distinguishes it from the ordinary 6-roll machine, which is usually a 4-roll, widened out to accommodate two extra husking rolls.
It will be noticed that the main drive belt and the belts which are used to drive the blower, husking rolls, separating device and cleaning fan are on opposite sides of the machine, thus equalizing the strain. This is a small matter, but illustrates the great pains taken to insure the best possible construction.
Simplicity and Durability
Simplicity of construction is one of its most prominent features, the Appleton Husker and Shredder being the simplest ever made. There is none so free from complications. The importance of this feature cannot be over-estimated. Besides enabling us to make each part of ample size and strength to stand every legitimate strain, it does away with the necessity for expert mechanical knowledge on the part of the operator. It also means less liability to get out of order, fewer breakages, fewer stoppages for repairs, and no expensive repair bills.
Appleton Huskers and Shredders conform strictly to the rigid safety laws, which are in force in several states, notably Minnesota and Wisconsin. Every operation is at the instant control of the operator at all times. The feeder stands against a safety body lever, pressure on which will stop the feed rolls and traveling feed table immediately. When the pressure is removed the feed rolls and traveling feed table start again.