Wheelwrighting A Modern Introduction
Wheelwrighting A Modern Introduction

Wheelwrighting: A Modern Introduction

by Bruce & Joyce Morrison
drawings by Fred J. Finley
published by Cottonwood Press, DeWinton, Alberta, Canada


Finally, here it is. The definitive, easy to use, book on Wheelwrighting. This 380 page text is sure to get several hundred North American wheelwrights and wannabe wheelwrights downright goosebumpy. 230 photos and 147 drawings pack this spiral bound puppy with a hefty information punch. It’s all here and written from the perspective of doing the work today. The photos do an excellent job of illustrating procedure and the drawings clearly show equipment. This book includes farm shop equipment and procedural innovations, such as the Felloe expander shown below.

Wheelwrighting A Modern Introduction

Amongst the several dozen wheelwrights on the continent there are a few who shouldn’t be doing the work because they don’t understand the job of the wheel, the stress dynamics under a load and the better ways to assemble the wheels. In some cases this failing has been due to a lack of good reliable information about these important issues. This book goes a long ways towards filling that void. I like this book. It’s a great one. I’m keeping mine in the library for regular reference, you can’t borrow it. Get your own! LRM

Wheelwrighting A Modern Introduction
Wheelwrighting A Modern Introduction
Wheelwrighting A Modern Introduction
Wheelwrighting A Modern Introduction