Small Farmer’s Journal Volume 25 Number 3
Future of Small Farms, Handy Farm Mechanics, Horse Progress Days 2001, Market Garden Implements, Horse Treadmill, McCormick-Deering No.7 Horsepower, Parbuckling Logs onto a Wagon, Let’s Talk About Harness, Shaft Tugs, Innovations in the Mechanics of Harness, SFJ Auction Report, Teamster’s Roundtable Discussion, North Dakota Field day, Pinpointing Lameness in Horses, Water Requirements of Horses, That’s a Dandy Team, Serious Ox Work, David Baker’s Pleasure, Fire in the Hole, Horselogging with a Scoot, Conserving Rare Southern Livestock, Ox Teamster’s Challenge, Ask a Teamster, Grapes, Purslane, Horsedrawn No-Till Garlic, Cultivating Questions – Follow-up on Phosphorus, Increase Soil Organic Matter, Politics of Tillage, Humus and the Farmer (part six), Portable Greenhouses